In an auspicious debut as a filmmaker, the German actress Aylin Tezel directs herself as Kira, a German artist living in London. Consumed with self-doubt, she is further shaken when vacationing on the Scottish Isle of Skye, she meets Ian (“Bridgerton’s” Chris Fulton), a struggling musician, at a local pub. Visually stunning early scenes show the pair playfully running and jumping along the isle’s irregular coast, so isolated that they could be alone in the world, in contrast to the London hubbub. All the tropes of romantic movies are honored, but the film never descends into cliché. There is a fullness to the script (written by Tezel) fleshing out the couple’s lives with family, friends and, most dramatically, past lovers.
UK 2024 (113 minutes)
Jane Scott
Bruce Lymburn